By Erfan Azary
main_program -> program id ( identifier_list ) ; declarations subprogram_declarations compound_statement . identifier_list -> id identifier_list_1 identifier_list_1 -> , id identifier_list_1|% declarations -> declarations_1 declarations_1 -> var identifier_list : type ; declarations_1|% type -> standard_type | array [ num .. num ] of type standard_type -> integer | real | string subprogram_declarations -> subprogram_declarations_1 subprogram_declarations_1 -> subprogram_declaration ; subprogram_declarations_1|% subprogram_declaration -> subprogram_head declarations compound_statement subprogram_head -> function id arguments : standard_type ; | procedure id arguments ; arguments -> ( parameter_list ) | % parameter_list -> identifier_list : type parameter_list_1 parameter_list_1 -> ; identifier_list : type parameter_list_1| % compound_statement -> begin optional_statements end optional_statements -> statement_list | % statement_list -> statement statement_list_1 statement_list_1 -> ; statement statement_list_1|% statement -> id statement_1 | compound_statement | if expression then statement else statement | while expression do statement statement_1 -> [ expression ] tail := expression | := expression | ( expression_list ) | % tail -> [ expression ] tail | % expression_list -> expression expression_list_1 expression_list_1 -> , expression expression_list_1|% expression -> simple_expression expression_1 expression_1 -> relop simple_expression |% simple_expression -> term simple_expression_1 simple_expression_1 -> addop term simple_expression_1|% term -> factor term_1 term_1 -> mulop factor term_1|% factor -> id factor_1 | num | ( expression ) | not factor factor_1 -> tail | ( expression_list ) addop -> + | - mulop -> * | / relop -> < | > | = | <= | >= | !=
program Lesson1Program1 (o); var v1,v2 ,v3:integer ; var v4,v5,v6,v7:array[2 ..10] of string; var v8,v9,v10:string; var v11,v12,v13:real; function f1(af,bf,cf:integer;df,ef:string;ff,gf:array[10..19] of integer):real; begin end; procedure p12proc1(g:array[0..20] of string);begin end; function f2:integer; begin end; procedure p2p5prsc12q(f: integer ); begin end; function f3(hf,jf,kf:real):string;begin end ; begin if(a>b) then c:=b else c:=123 end.
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